Mengmeng Fu

Research Associate
First formative job experience:
In college, I turned a luxury price gap into a side hustle, reselling US-based designer goods in China. It became a crash course in arbitrage, logistics, and customer satisfaction.
Where can we find you on the weekend?
Shopping and trying out new restaurants—because style and good food are always worth the adventure.
One life challenge you’ve overcome:
Moving to the U.S. alone at 15 and learning to be independent.
Special / secret talent:
I have an uncanny ability to find the best dish on any menu without fail.
Life mantra:
塞翁失马,焉知非福 (Misfortunes can lead to unexpected good outcomes — one cannot judge the true significance of an event, whether good or bad. at the time it happens. What seems like a disaster may turn out to be a blessing!)

Mengmeng is a Research Associate at Forerunner, where she helps drive the firm’s research initiatives and contributes to thesis-building and investment strategies.

Before joining Forerunner, Mengmeng was an investment banking analyst in the technology group at Citigroup. There, she focused on consumer internet companies and advised on M&A transactions and IPOs. Originally from China, Mengmeng moved to the U.S. on her own at the age of 15, and has been on the hunt for authentic Chinese food ever since. She graduated with a B.S. in Accounting from the BYU Marriott School of Business.

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